Become a member – volunteer with us

You want to make a difference and to have a positive impact in the community? You would love to have the opportunity to take the responsibility, to learn and grow with us and our projects?

We have numerous ideas and we know how to improve them. You can help us with the planning and implementation of different projects. Interested? Then apply for a membership HERE and start volunteering with us! 

Become a partner –
work effectively across cultures

Intercultural communication could show you new opportunities and it will almost certainly broaden the horizons of your team. Person with another cultural background will definitely bring new ideas to your projects. We want to help you to find motivated young people to volunteer!

Become a contributor

Thank you infinitely for your donation!
ABLE e.V. is a non-profit organisation. 100% of you donated funds will be used for the projects. Donations help us to advance our mission.

Bank Details:
IBAN: DE87430609671240327000
Bank: GLS Bank