Volunteering is one of our main values.
It was also one of the reasons why we created “ABLE e.V.” and established one of our four activity directions “ACT”.
Why volunteering?
From our experience volunteering is crucial for developing a strong and leading civil society. The benefits of volunteering are enormous — new experiences, different perspectives, new value of your own life and life of others, as well as tolerance and respect towards people who you help and who you volunteer with.

Here in “ACT” we want to inform you about different volunteer programs and engage you to take part in one of them. Of course, you can dive into any kind of volunteer experience locally: be active in your community, help out at the youth club, animal shelter or nursing home.
But there are many organizations and programs which offer you to remove yourself from the familiar surroundings and go for example to another country for one year and volunteer there.
Here you can find a list with the most popular German volunteer programs
1. Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ)
Voluntary social service in Germany, normally in institutions that serve the common good, in particular in welfare institutions, in child and youth welfare institutions, including institutions for extracurricular youth education and institutions for youth work, in health care institutions, in cultural and monument preservation institutions or in sports institutions. This program is open for young people of age between 16 and 27.
2. Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr (FÖJ)
Voluntary service in organizations and institutions that are active in the field of nature and environmental protection, including education for sustainability. It is carried out by young people between the ages of 16 and 26
3. Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD)
German government program which encourages volunteerism among German and foreign adults of any age for public welfare, especially for social, ecological and cultural engagement. Every person who has finished school can apply for a volunteer position in a welfare institution accredited by the federal government.
4. IJFD Internationaler Jugendfreiwilligendienst
5. ADiA – Anderer Dienst im Ausland
6. Weltwärts
7. European Solidarity Corps (ESC, former EVS)
ESC is an international volunteering program by the European Commission for young people to go individually or in teams to volunteer in another country. It offers you the unique opportunity to volunteer for a social and diverse Europe. With the European Solidarity Corps you are right in the middle of Europe shaping the future. During the voluntary service, you will get involved in a voluntary project abroad for a limited period of time. This is an example of the value of a live and social Europe.
8. Caritas
9. Diakonie
10. UN Volunteer
If you have doubts about whether or not this or that volunteer program is right for you, contact us, we can give you more information.
Looking for volunteers?
Do you plan a project where you want to host a Ukrainian volunteer? You are very welcome to contact us and we will help to spread information about your initiative! We will find a perfect match for your project and will be glad to support you and cooperate.